Resource Library


Taking Measure is the official blog of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Unlike some of the other NIST blogs, which are confined to a particular niche, Taking Measure covers a wide range of science and technology areas, and provides a behind-the-scenes look at the government agency’s research and programs.

In each post, NIST researchers and staff share their work, and the reasons why they do it. The writing is clear, concise, and approachable from any skill level.


Hackaday is focused on the original creativity and elegance associated with the term ‘hack’, and its blog may help engineering students get back in touch with the engineer’s builder spirit. Each post isn’t meant to be simply read, but acted upon: readers can get started hacking old Sega Dreamcasts and 3D printers, or building their own chain link fences and ergonomic keyboards.

And despite the name, the posts come at a quicker cadence than once a day.


Machine Learning Mastery is a blog that helps those interested in machine learning get started with, and get good at, machine learning processes. It’s run by Dr. Jason Brownlee, who has advanced degrees in artificial intelligence and has worked on machine learning systems for the defense industry, for startups, and for severe weather forecasting.

Dr. Brownlee started his journey as an interested amateur, and he runs his blog for a similar audience: posts include tutorials, walkthroughs, and self-study programs in machine learning.


X is Google’s moonshot factory: a place where engineers are given a wide latitude to dream big. The goal of X is to invent and launch breakthrough technologies that have the potential to solve the world’s biggest problems.

But unlike other skunkworks programs, X isn’t as secretive as its name might imply. And their blogs aren’t as overly tech-focused as some other companies’: here you’ll find posts from some of the brightest engineers on the planet, talking about how they think and how they work



The Airbnb Tech Blog gives readers a deeper look at how Airbnb’s engineers and data scientists work. More than many other companies, the engineering team at Airbnb puts a premium on the concept of inclusivity, and many of their blog posts are dedicated to combining that inclusive perspective with issues of technology


For aerospace engineering students, the NASA blogs are a way to keep abreast of what’s going on at the American space agency as it launches independent missions and partners with private companies like SpaceX.

Some of the writing can be sparse and dry, leaning towards the aggressively literal (they’re engineers!), but the occasional retrospective missive from a NASA veteran is potent enough to fuel several engineering students’ dreams. For moment-by-moment updates (and plenty more sparse, literal writing), you can follow NASA on Twitter.


SciTechDaily has been a valuable resource for engineering students since its inception in 1998. It collects the best-informed science and technology coverage and analysis available, pulling from a wide range of reputable sources. While it lacks the personal analyses of traditional blogs, it helped define what’s come to be known as a ‘porthole’ site: a curated feed of subject-specific news and developments.

And though some porthole sites are aggregated via algorithm, SciTechDaily maintains an esteemed editorial board that selects and filters content to high, engineering-level standards. 


The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is an association of over 128,000 engineers and experts with a focus in mobility, including the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries.

The SAE blog includes posts by engineering thought leaders and advances the conversation around mobility knowledge. Here you’ll find in-depth looks at cutting edge areas like autonomous vehicles, blockchain, diversity, and how they all fit together